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Auckland Council Waste Solutions

With Kartik Bhat

Zero Waste 2040
Stall from 10am-2pm on Saturday 22 May in the Hall
Mount Eden Village Centre, 449 Mount Eden Road

Every year, we send more than 1.6 million tonnes of waste to landfill in Auckland - that's more than a tonne per person. Most of this waste could be used in more productive ways. Our waste has the potential to be a valuable resource for Aucklanders - creating jobs and boosting the economy, while allowing us to take better care of our environment.


Auckland aspires to be zero-waste by 2040. Zero-waste is a long-term goal, but there's a lot we can do right now.


Learn how to reduce waste, dispose of waste responsibly, use sustainable products and recycle correctly with Kartik Bhat, WasteWise Advisor with Auckland Council's Waste Solutions unit.
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