Photo Gallery from Wellbeing Day Out 2021
Many many thanks to all of the individuals and organisations who helped out at our free Wellbeing Day Out community event on 22 May 2021 at the Mt Eden Village Centre. Special thanks go to our major sponsor - the Albert-Eden Local Board through the Albert-Eden Neighbourhood Arts programme. Many thanks also to Eden Village - Oceania Healthcare and to Chapter Book & Tea Shop for their sponsorship.

We made it! Despite the ongoing COVID-19 uncertainty, Saturday 21 May 2021 arrived and Auckland was in Alert Level 1! This meant that our Wellbeing Day Out community event could proceed on a physical face-to-face basis.
The Free Wellbeing Day Out was organised by Mt Eden Rotary with support from the Albert-Eden Local Board (major sponsor), Eden Village - Oceania Healthcare and Chapter Book and Tea Shop.
The early birds had the opportunity to attend the Rongoā Māori workshop presented by Emma Haslam and to learn about traditional Maori healing.
Many thanks to Chapter Book & Tea Shop for sponsoring this workshop.

Mt Eden Rotary were ready to welcome attendees. Charles and Gerry's t-shirts featured the "Women in Rotary" and "End Polio Now" programmes.
Dr. Kudzai Zvenyika from the Elias Wellness Center generously provided free chiropractic spinal health checks.
Antonia and Philipa (Community Connectors Team) were ready to help spread the word about the services and support Age Concern Auckland provides for older people across Auckland.

Learn how to reduce waste, dispose of waste responsibly, use sustainable products and recycle correctly with Diana Prieto and Kartik Bhat from Auckland Council's Waste Solutions Unit.
Recycling. It's great for the environment and if you're doing your part to recycle - great! However, are you recycling right?
The Chinese Conservation Education Trust, led by Estella Lee, has a number of conservation and waste reduction initiatives underway, including the Epsom Sewing Repair Cafe.

Nigel Yu, Divisional Youth Manager, Newmarket St John Youth Division, networking with the Chinese Conservation Education Trust.
Fielding enquiries at the Age Concern Auckland stall.
Provide feedback on Wellbeing Day Out and be in the draw to win a prize. Congratulations to Ida and Tina-Anne.

Complete the quiz - visit the stalls to get help with the answers. Children will win an illustrated dictionary (from Rotary's literacy programmes) - while stocks last.
Allergy New Zealand, Maungawhau Ecological Halo (via Urban Ark - Manawa Taiao) and Volunteering Auckland (with a bit of splicing to fit them all in).
Hanging out at the main entrance.

Welcome - come on in and get moving!
Zumba with Grace Kapma is not just a class and exercise, it's a whole experience of dancing around the world with friends.
Health and wellness depend on a balance between the mind, body, and spirit. Learn about Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems, with Michael MacDonald (Planet Ayurveda).

Be waterwise - save water. What a timely and important subject in Auckland! Many thanks to Carla Gee (EcoMatters Environment Trust) and also to Watercare for this workshop.
Hatha Yoga with Lauren Stokes was a very popular class. Lauren’s classes are very “do-able” for all levels and abilities.
Generous time was allocated for guided relaxation to fully maximise the benefits of your Hatha Yoga practice, physically, mentally and energetically.

Every minute, more than 3 tonnes of waste goes to landfill in Auckland. We learned how to reduce waste with Diana Prieto, WasteWise Community Engagement Advisor with Auckland Council's Waste Solutions unit.

Diana was able to help you with your questions about waste management (recycling, composting, minimising, and safe and appropriate disposal); food waste management; environmentally friendly products; and a zero-waste lifestyle.

A practical self-defense class taught by qualified instructors (Mania Women's Sportfighting Gym). Learn how to be aware of dangerous situations as well as fast techniques to get rid of attackers using reliable moves that do not involve much knowledge.

The ability to defend yourself is one of the most important skills a person should have.

Allie Wang has many years experience in teaching Tai Chi - a relaxing low-impact workout that cultivates the connection between mind and body. The gentle flowing movements improve wellbeing and focus.

Poi has the perfect mix of physical and cognitive elements to keep your brain and body engaged. It’s playful. It’s rhythmic. It’s challenging (yet achievable!). And it’s backed by rigorous scientific evidence.

A clinical trial by Dr. Kate Riegle van West (Spinpoi Limited) found that after just one month of poi practice, participants improved their grip strength, balance, and attention.
Many thanks to Eden Village - Oceania Healthcare for sponsoring the "Poi for Your Health" class.
Mindfulness refers to a set of psychological skills that allow people to be more in touch with the present moment, and to be able to handle negative thoughts and feelings more skillfully.

Clinical Psychologist Dr. Ursula Bach (Illumen Psychology) explained the core skills of learning how to bring awareness to the present moment, and observing experiences with an attitude of acceptance and without judgement.

Many thanks to K.C. Loo Fruit Centre (436 Mt Eden Rd) for displaying our signage, donating fruit and providing fruit boxes at cost.
Many thanks to Albert-Eden Neighbourhood Arts for organising signage in two local community noticeboards.

Many thanks once again to our major sponsor - the Albert-Eden Local Board - through the Albert-Eden Neighbourhood Arts programme.
We are also grateful to Eden Village - Oceania Healthcare and Chapter Book & Tea Shop for their sponsorship.

Lastly, many thanks also to the Mt Eden Village Centre, our activity/
workshop presenters and stallholders, and our hardworking volunteers from Mt Eden Rotary and the Rotaract Club of Auckland City. You were all fantastic!